Adventure Maker   
   Adventure Maker v4.5 Help Document  
Home (Adventure Maker website)


Help Contents


   Program Overview
   List of Features
   What's New

Creating software without scripting
   Getting Started Tutorials
   Some Techniques and Tips
   Creating puzzles without scripting

   Creating third person games
   Creating interactive 360-degree panoramas
   Creating software for
   Creating software for iPhone and iPod touch

Creating software with VBScript
(Full Edition only)

   Introduction to VBScript
   Language Reference
   Objects Reference
   VBScript Techniques and Tips

   Sample Source Code

Pictures, sounds and music
   => Creating Pictures
   Music Maker help
   Creative Painter quick help
   Sounds and Music
   Videos, Icons, Cursors

Plugins (Full Edition only)
   Overview of the Plugins System
   Downloading/Uploading Plugins
   The Plugin Properties window
   About the Flash Plugin

   User Interface Tips
   Reducing the project size
   End-User System Requirements

Advanced tutorials
(Full Edition only)

   Creating a custom startup menu
   Using ActiveX components (ocx)

   Common issues and solutions
   Known bugs and limitations

About us
   Contacting us
   Helping out

"iPhone" and "iPod" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. "PSP" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

As of the release date of this version, Adventure Maker is NOT affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Apple Inc., Sony Corporation, SCEI, or any Apple or Sony subsidiary.



List of all the objects that are available from VBScript by default




Object Description
Hotspot(INDEX) "ImageBox" controls that correspond to the hotspots that are created when you hold down the left mouse button in the "Frame Editor" window of Adventure Maker. Replace INDEX with the number that identifies the hotspot.
Text(INDEX) "Label" controls that correspond to the text objects that are created when you right-click on the background of the "Frame Editor" window of Adventure Maker. Replace INDEX with the number that identifies the text object.
LoopingVideo(INDEX) "MediaPlayer" controls that correspond to the looping videos that are created when you select "Looping Video" from the "General" tab of the "Hotspot Properties" of a hotspot. Replace INDEX with the number that identifies the hotspot.



To disable the hotspot number 1, use the following code:
Hotspot(1).Enabled = False

To disable all the hotspots, use the following code:
For Each X in Hotspot
   X.Enabled = False

To make all the hotspots become transparent, use the following code:
For Each X in Hotspot
   Set X.Picture = Nothing

To change the cursor that is associated to the hotspot number 5, use the following code (where FILENAME is an icon or cursor that is located inside the "Areas" subfolder of the project folder):
Hotspot(5).MouseIcon = LoadGraphicFile("FILENAME")
Hotspot(5).MousePointer = 99

To change the contents of the text object number 1, use the following code:
Text(1).Caption = "ENTER_NEW_TEXT_HERE"

To move the text object number 3 to the position (100,200) in pixels, use the following code (notice that you must multiply the coordinates by 15 in order to get the coordinated in twips instead of pixels):
Text(3).Move 100*15,200*15
To hide all the text objects, use the following code:

For Each X in Text
   X.Visible = False

To stop the looping video number 1, use the following code:

To resume playback of the looping video number 1, use the following code:

To change the playback speed of all the looping videos, use the following code (where you must replace NEW_SPEED with a value):
For Each X in LoopingVideo
   X.Rate = NEW_SPEED




Object Most interesting properties (VB6)
CheckBoxObject(INDEX) .Value (default=false)
LineObject(INDEX) .X1
ShapeObject(INDEX) .Shape (0 to 5)
.BorderStyle (0 to 6)
.BackStyle (0 or 1)
TextBoxObject(INDEX) .Text
PictureBoxObject(INDEX) .Picture
.BackColor (default=VbWhite)
.AutoRedraw (default=true)
.AutoSize (default=false)
ListBoxObject(INDEX) .List(INDEX2)
ImageBoxObject(INDEX) .Picture
.Stretch (default=false)
FileBoxObject(INDEX) .Path
.Pattern (default="*.*")
DirBoxObject(INDEX) .Path
DriveBoxObject(INDEX) .Drive
MediaPlayerObject(INDEX) .AutoRewind (default=true)
.Autosize (default=false)
.Autostart (default=false)
.ClickToPlay (default=false)
.Mute (default=false)
.PlayCount (default=0)
.Rate (default=1)
.Volume (default= -1080)

The following
properties are available for most of the controls listed above:

To create a new control, use the following code (where you must replace CONTROLNAME with the name of the control and INDEX with any integer of your choice greater than 1):

To remove a control, use the following code:

To be sure that the index of the new control is not being used by another piece of code (like another procedure or even a plugin), use the following code (where you must replace CONTROLNAME with the name of the control):
Dim i
Do Until LoadControl(CONTROLNAME(i))=True



To create a new checkbox, use the following code:
LoadControl CheckBoxObject(1)

To remove the checkbox, use the following code:
UnloadControl CheckBoxObject(1)

If you are not sure whether the CheckBox number 1 already exists, use the following code to find a free index and create a new checkbox with that index:
Dim i
Do Until LoadControl(CheckBoxObject(i)) = True

To make the checkbox number 1 become visible, use the following code:
CheckBoxObject(1).Visible = True

To change the text that is on the checkbox, use the following code:
CheckBoxObject(1).Caption = "ENTER_SOME_TEXT_HERE"

To create a new PictureBox and display it, use the following code:
LoadControl PictureBoxObject(1)

To move and resize the PictureBox, use the following code (where you must replace LEFT, TOP, WIDTH and HEIGHT with the values in pixels):
PictureBoxObject(1).Move LEFT*15,TOP*15,WIDTH*15,HEIGHT*15

To create and show a new TextBox, use the following code:
LoadControl TextBoxObject(1)
TextBoxObject(1).Visible = True

To display in a popup message the text that the user has entered in the TextBox, use the following code:
MsgBox TextBoxObject(1).Text

To compare the text that the user has entered in the TextBox with the secret password "dog", use the following code:
If TextBoxObject(1).Text <> "dog" Then
   MsgBox "Wrong Password!"
   MsgBox "Password Correct!"
End If




Object VB6 equivalent Main properties
ScreenObject VB.Screen .FontCount
AppObject VB.App .EXEName
PrinterObject VB.Printer .CurrentX
PrintersCollection VB.Printers .Count
ClipboardObject VB.Clipboard  



To change the cursor to the hourglass, use the following code:
ScreenObject.MousePointer = 11

To remove the hourglass cursor, use the following code:
ScreenObject.MousePointer = 0

To display the screen resolution in pixels, use the following code:
MsgBox (ScreenObject.Width/15) & "*" & (ScreenObject.Height/15)

To change the title of the application, use the following code:
AppObject.Title = "ENTER_TITLE_HERE"

To know whether another instance of the application is already running, use the following code:
MsgBox AppObject.PrevInstance

To list of all the available printers, use the following code:
Dim x
For Each x In PrintersCollection
   MsgBox x.DeviceName

To print the contents of the current frame (including all the hotspots, text objects, and custom controls), use the following code:
LoadControl PictureBoxObject(1)
PictureBoxObject(1).Move 0,0,GetProjectWidth*15,GetProjectHeight*15
Set PictureBoxObject(1).Picture=PictureBoxObject(1).Image
PrinterObject.PaintPicture PictureBoxObject(1).Picture,1000,1000




Object Type (VB6)
TimedEventObject(i) Timer
TimerObject(i) Timer
MessageTimerObject Timer
MessageObject Label
MessageCanvasObject Frame
DialogueObject(i) Label
DialogueCanvasObject Label
BackgroundObject PictureBox
BackgroundHotspotObject Image
AudioPlayerObject(i) MediaPlayer
InventoryItemObject(i) Image
InventoryButtonObject Image
InventoryCanvasObject PictureBox
InventoryBackgroundObject Image
InventoryTimerObject Timer
FramesHistoryObject ListBox
RipplingWaterObject PictureBox
AnimatedGifObject(i) Gif89a control
AnimatedGifCanvasObject(i) Frame
ScriptControlObject ScriptControl
ScriptControl2Object ScriptControl
WindowObject Form
ExitMenuObject Menu
SaveMenuObject Menu
LoadMenuObject Menu
OptionsMenuObject Menu
DebugMenuObject Menu
DisableEffectsMenuObject Menu
TransitionsMenuObject Menu



To change to "Times New Roman" the font of the messages that appear at the bottom of the screen, use the following code:
.FontName = "Times New Roman"

To change the size of the text displayed at the bottom of the screen, use the following code:
.FontSize = 20

To change the color of the text displayed at the bottom of the screen, use the following code:
.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,255)

To change what it is written on the "Exit" button of the menu that appears when you press "Esc" during the game, use the following code:
ExitMenuObject.Caption = "ENTER_SOME_TEXT_HERE"

To change the font of the questions that appear in the conversations created with the Dialogue Wizard, use the following code:
For Each X in DialogueObject
   X.FontName = "Times New Roman"
   X.FontSize = 20
   X.FontUnderline = True