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  • Download plugins for Adventure Maker v3.5 and v4.x (FULL Edition only)

    The plugins below only concern the creation of software for Windows. As for the creation of software for PSP, iPhone, or iPod touch, the possibility to create plugins is under consideration for a future release, but it is currently unavailable.

    XP Service Pack 2 users: to download a plugin, after clicking a download link, you may need to click the information bar at the top of Internet Explorer window to proceed with the download.

    Creating your own plugins: Click here for a tutorial to create your first plugin. You may also read the Overview of the Plugins System page of the Help Document. If you have created a plugin, please let us know, and we will be pleased to add it to this page.



NEW! KeyGuard Studio Professional - Recommended!

Random Events Plugin

Typing Effect Plugin

Cubic Panorama Plugin v1.0

Plugin for going back from a multi-page inventory or help v1.0

Parser Plugin v1.1
Inventory Button Plugin v1.0
CommonDialog Plugin v1.1
Gif Sequence Player v1.1
License: free (full source code included)
Scripting required: No scripting required!

Updated on: April May 5, 2008 (v1.1)
here (3KB)
Gif Sequence Player is an open-source plugin for Adventure Maker v3.5.0 or newer. It allows animating hotspots by playing sequences of GIF files inside the hotspots. It supports GIF transparency. You can use it as a replacement for animated GIFs. You can easily modify its source code to allow it to play sequences of files of other types, like JPG, WMF and EMF. You can specify the interval between each picture (in milliseconds). For more help, read the description included in the package.

KeyGuard© v3.0.5
License: free
Author: ShadowHunter (website)
Scripting required: yes
Updated on: April 5, 2008 (v3.0.5)
First released on: April 22, 2006 (v3.0.2)
Size: 6MB
Download: Download here

With the KeyGuard© plugin you can finally:

  • Use Keyboard Inputs to Launch Actions in AdventureMaker. For example, make the "save dialog" popup by pressing the S, show an inventory screen by pressing the I, or navigate through hundreds of frames by using the arrowkeys.
  • Use Right Mouse Clicks and double-clicks in Adventure Maker. Build professional adventure games and use both mouse buttons (look, talk, investigate, combine, hints, etc...).
  • Use Mouse-In and Mouse-Out events on hotspots in Adventure Maker. Make sure to try out the sample game included in the plugin package to see the Mouse-Over feature in action!

KeyGuard has also a small audio engine so each keypress can be accorded with a sound!

The download includes:
- Plugin and configuration file for Adventure Maker
- 16 pages PDF-user manual with screenshots
- Demo project source files for Adventure Maker

SUBMaster v1.0
License: free for non-commercial use
Author: ShadowHunter (website)
Download: here
(9MB, includes a demo project)

SUBMaster is a plugin that allows easily adding multi-language subtitles to your projects. It can parse standard SRT files and display them in your project in almost every way imaginable. Thanks to SUBMaster, users from all over the World can enjoy your project to the fullest! No more searching for foreign, expensive voice actors!

The included demo shows a fraction of what is possible with the SUBMaster plugin.

Spotlight/Lantern effect plugin v1.0
License: free
Author: TheDreamMaster
Scripting required: No scripting required!
Download: here (500KB)

This plugin will create a lantern or spotlight effect in real-time on top of any given frame.

You can use the default settings, but you can also change the darkness, displacement, luminosity, mask filename, and more.

Read the "Readme" file included in the package for details.

EZTalk v1.2
License: free
Author: ShadowHunter (website)
Scripting required: yes
Download: here (5MB, includes a demo project)

Note: To obtain a free registration key please send a mail to: and include a freely chosen username. To avoid the risk of being identified as SPAM you also want to include the word EZTalk in the subject of your mail.

EZTalk is a free plug-in for AdventureMaker that works transparently behind the AM dialog engine and allows you to easily create intelligent spoken dialogs and launch audio files with only a few lines of code.

By intelligent I mean that EZTalk is able to link questions and answers automatically for maximum flexibility. It also features delay functions, independent volume and balance controls, looping, dialog skipping/breaking and events to interact with AdventureMaker.

You have a total of 5 audio channels at your disposal to create the most realistic AM game ever. Two of those channels are specially designed for dialogs purposes and the other 3 for general purpose like background sounds launched by script (for puzzles, outdoor, games, random, etc...).

For more information, please visit the plugin website.

RainGenerator v1.0.2
License: free
Author: ShadowHunter (website)
Scripting required: yes
Download: here (547KB)

Note: to freely remove the demo notification, please contact ShadowHunter.

The Rain Generator plugin is a free ActiveX component that dynamically generates rain on your frames. Rain Generator will bring your outside images to live by adding some basic weather visualizations and sounds. You can also resize and reposition the plugin so it can, for example, be used only on a window. The package also contains a small sample project for Adventure Maker.

Note: No scripting is required to use the plugin. However, to remove the rain, just execute the following code:
Action.RemoveComponent "Rain"

"Changes Messages Font" plugin v1.0
License: free (full source code included)
Author: GM-Support
Scripting required: No scripting required!
Special requirements:
AM v3.5.2 or newer
Download: here (14 KB)

The "Change Messages Font" plugin allows you to customize the font of the messages that appear at the bottom of the screen during the game. You can change the following font settings: name, size, color, bold, italic, strikethru and underline.

To use it, simply extract the ZIP archive into the "Plugins" sub-folder of the Adventure Maker folder. Then go to the "Plugins" tab of the PROJECT PROPERTIES, select the option "Change Messages Font", check it, and then click "Configure the selected plugin...". A font selection window will pop up. Change the font settings and then click OK.

To assure compatibility with most systems, it is recommended that you use only Windows default fonts.

The package also includes the full VB6 source code of the configuration utility. It is particularly interesting to learn how to deal with the INI configuration files when creating a configuration utility.

SimpleMenu plugin v1.1
License: free (full source code included)
Scripting required: No scripting required!

here (34KB)

The SimpleMenu plugin adds an option on the Hotspot Properties to display a "Look, Use, Take, Talk and Walk" popup menu when the player clicks on a hotspot. For each hotspot you can decide which menu buttons to display (Look, Use, Take, Talk and/or Walk) and which VBScript code to execute.

The package also includes the full VB6 source code of the ActiveX file (ocx). Please feel free to modify it to fit your needs.

Third Person plugin v1.0
License: free
Scripting required: No scripting required!
Download: the plugin is included in the Adventure Maker v3.5 (and newer) package.

It is a plugin for Adventure Maker v3.5.1 or newer that allows creating third person adventure games. It does not require any scripting, it supports GIF transparency, it allows displaying objects with transparency in front of the sprite, and it has no limitations in the number of pictures that can be used to animate the sprite. Read the "Creating a third person game" page of the Help Document for details.

Flash plugin v1.1
License: free
Scripting required: No scripting required!
Download: the plugin is included in the Adventure Maker v3.5 (and newer) package.

The Flash Plugin adds the options "Play a Flash movie" and "Remove all the open Flash movies" to both the Hotspot Properties and the Frame Properties windows. Read the "About the Flash Plugin" page of the Help Document for details.


  • Installation instructions:

    To install a plugin, just follow these steps:
    1. Copy the plugin files into the "Plugins" sub-folder that is inside the Adventure Maker folder (if the plugin files are compressed, you must extract them),
    2. Go to the "Project Properties" window and enable the plugin from the "Plugins" tab.


  • How to use a plugin:

    The instructions for using a plugin will vary depending on the plugin. The author of the plugin has probably included the instructions in the "Plugin Description" text. To view the "Plugin Description" text, simply go to the "Project Properties", select the plugin under the "Plugins" tab, and then click "View the description of the selected plugin..." (or double-click on the plugin name).
    Some plugins do also have a configuration utility that allows changing some general settings. To launch the configuration utility, simply go to the "Project Properties", select the plugin under the "Plugins" tab, and then click "Configure the selected plugin...".


  • Uninstalling a plugin:

    To uninstall a plugin, simply go to the "Project Properties" and uncheck the plugin from the "Plugins" tab.
    If you wish to COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY remove the plugin from your computer, you can also delete the files that correspond to the plugin and that are located inside the "Plugins" sub-folder of the Adventure Maker.



Adventure Maker is a product of The Adventure Maker Team (contact) - Copyright 1999-2008 Giovanni A. - All Rights Reserved
Adventure Maker and this website are NOT affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Apple Inc., Sony Corporation, SCEI, or any Apple or Sony subsidiary. "iPhone" and "iPod" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. "PSP" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Adventure Maker short descriptions: Create games with this free game creation software. Make games for iPhone, iPod touch, PSP, and Windows. Download Adventure Maker Freeware and start making games.